The Good Governance Award is the Quality Standard for Scottish charities & other Third Sector organisations, recommended by OSCR, the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.
The Award provides a clear, structured approach to assessing and improving an organisation’s policies and procedures. Once completed, it provides proof that an organisation is actively engaging in excellent governance through our Award Certification. And as a result, your organisation should be easier to govern and more sustainable and trusted among its stakeholders.
The Introduction to Good Governance Programme has been developed to support smaller charities & other Third Sector organisations to strengthen their core governance. It takes around the same time to complete but is more in tune with your organisation’s size and nature.
Get Started
You can apply to do either the Good Governance Award or Introduction to the Good Governance Programme by completing the form below and returning it to goodgovernanceaward@dvva.scot.
GGA & IGGP Registration Form 2022-23